What I’m Reading Now: Fire In The Bones

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Review from Amazon.com:

The leading personalities of his century would draw upon all their resources to stop him, from the brilliant Sir Thomas Moore to King Henry VIII; from Charles V, ruler of half of Europe, to the Pope. Both church and state hunted him relentlessly-at a time when the church held power over both soul and body and could condemn the heretic to execution by fire. His crime? Translating the words of the Bible into the “vulgar” English tongue.

He was William Tyndale, and the story of his life, told in Fire in the Bones, reads like a novel, as exciting in its facts as any fiction could be. He knew the smugglers’ secret marks and their intense, fraternal loyalty. He tasted the salt of shipwreck and knew the despair of lost manuscripts buried under the waves of the North Sea. Intrigue, safe houses, bribes, spies, covert conversations, last-minute flight, aliases, imprisonment, loneliness, all wove their spell into the riddles of his hidden world. He died at last as a martyr, but not before he had bequeathed to the world some of the most beloved and sacred phrases and terms in Holy Writ, including Atonement, still small voice, and Let there be Light.

3 thoughts on “What I’m Reading Now: Fire In The Bones

    tina said:
    March 2, 2010 at 12:23 pm

    By the way . . . . that isn’t the fire in the bones we are reading . . . . different author . . . . . don’t know if you were trying for that! I’d be interested to know how this one turns out though 😉

    bloggingonbooks responded:
    March 2, 2010 at 5:34 pm

    Oh, I know. This one was a referral from my sister Cindy. She likes biographies (deep sigh). So far I am on page 28.

    tina said:
    March 5, 2010 at 5:40 pm

    What an amazing coincidence!

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